Gen-Z Yellow and Lilac are the Next It Color for 2018


Trends are fleeting! Well, millennial pink has had on the spotlight as the color scheme. Pink pastel and rosy shade ini emang ada di mana-mana, including in our wardrobe too! From Instagram feeds, Pinterest pins, trendy fashion lines, even as a hair color. They are everywhere! Tapi sekarang, there are two new shades of popular color yang bakal ngegeser millennial pink as the ‘it’ color lho. Say hello to Gen-Z Yellow and Lilac color!

Yup, dua warna itu emang diprediksi bakalan happening dan naik daun di tahun 2018 nanti. A color expert for Behr Paint, Erika Woelfel bilang kalo kemunculan warna-warna gres ini it’s not without any reason. In terms of Lilac, menurutnya it’s enough to throwback with the childhood-pink color dan saatnya buat try something new and more grownup lewat warna baru. Not just that, Lilac has the best thing part as a pastel color too, alasannya yaitu warnanya yang fleksibel banget.



Selain itu, warna yang sekilas looks like lavender color ini can creates a welcoming and calm aura juga alasannya yaitu unsur warnanya yang lebih strong daripada warna pink. That’s why we can combine a lilac shade with mint, cream or other pastels in our outfit, home decorating especially our bedroom and many more!



Next color yang bakal jadi tentangan Lilac in the next year is Gen-Z Yellow! Well, as we know, the color family dari warna yang super fresh ini udah mulai melejit lewat fashion week kemaren. The runway didominasi sama this bright and cheerful color! Remember?


Calvin Klein's show in New York Fashion Week 2018, Carolina Herrera's show in New York Fashion Week 2018, and Vionnet's show in Milan Fashion Week 2018


Well, according to Woelfel, these shades can add a strong sense of energy and positivity buat kita alasannya yaitu warnanya yang glowing up banget. Persis kayak the true soul of gen-z!


But, this is not the first time warna-warna kuning jadi sorotan in the pop culture. Tahun 90an warna ini udah melejit lewat film komedi, Clueless movie yang diperanin sama Alicia Silverstone as Cher *with her yellow plaid ensemble. *



Not just that, as for lilac, di tahun 50an there was a moment ketika orang-orang terobsesi sama warna-warna pastel especially for soft purple. In fact, the hue has come in and out selama bertahun-tahun. But now, kedua warna itu secara resmi disebut-sebut as the color of the season. Although millennial pink will go, but this new ‘it’ color obviously will be fun to play with, yagirls!


